
Jump-Location - A Change Directory (CD) PowerShell Command that reads your mind

There"s a lovely little utility called autojump for *nix consoles that makes the "cd" command very smart. More that just auto-completion, it"s a kind of "auto guessing." Hence, autojump. There is some beginning Windows support, but instead I turned to Tim Kellogg"s open source PowerShell implementation "Jump-Location."

What a joy.

j this and j that

First, I was like "jump-location?" I"m not going to type that. But then, of course, duh. Aliases.

Jump-Location is aliased to just j, which means I can now do awesome stuff like this:

c:\> j sc
c:\users\scott> j g
c:\users\AppData\Local\GitHub> j des

But there"s more. It"s actually watching how long you are in a directory and keeping stats. You can see the weighted stats with "jumpstat" and the "database" is just a text file in ~\jump-location.txt.

If "j d" isn"t enough to get me into C:\GitHub\DisProject then I can do "j g d" and I"m there. It"s amazing.

Installation is easy, and I hope it gets on PsGet soon for even easier installation. Just unzip, unblock, ensure that your PowerShell execution policy allows scripts, and run ./install.ps1.

NOTE: Don"t run install from your desktop, or a temp folder. Put the Jump-Location folder somewhere where it will live, and it"s going to add a line like this to your user profile ("C:\Users\YOU\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1")  like this, so you"ll want to install from a final path:

Import-Module "C:\Users\Scott\Dropbox\utils\Jump-Location-0.5.1\Jump.Location.psd1"

I"m excited about this great little utility. Head over to https://github.com/tkellogg/Jump-Location and STAR it in GitHub, and give it a go! Tim, the author, is on Twitter at @kellogh. Other contributors include Sergey Vorobyev.

SOURCE: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/JumpLocationAChangeDirectoryCDPowerShellCommandThatReadsYourMind.aspx


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