
Exploring Impostor Syndrome in Technology - SXSW '15

I"ve written before about the idea of Imposter Syndrome or being a "Phony." It"s the idea that on the surface you"re an accomplished technologist but inside you"re always questioning if you"re really good enough. It turns out that this is SUPER common. You"re not alone.

That little voice or feeling that "I can do better." Or, "I"m not 100% qualified but I think I can push through this" can sometimes be a motivator.

This is Indexed

This wonderful index card is by Jessica Hagy of This Is Indexed. Explore her blog and book! 

Remember that while you may feel like a phony, those around you who think they are awesome may not be!

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which unskilled people make poor decisions and reach erroneous conclusions, but their incompetence denies them the metacognitive ability to recognize their mistakes.

But the most important part is:

...people with true ability tended to underestimate their relative competence.

My excellent friend and very accomplished phony Chanelle Henry will be exploring these concepts on stage at SXSW 2015...if our panel is accepted!

You may have heard Chanelle on Hanselminutes Podcast episode #401 on "An Internet of Inclusion" or read her viral essay "Is it too late to be awesome?"

You can help us by quickly making a SXSW account and casting your Thumbs Up Vote (and leaving a comment) for our session proposal! Even better, tweet or blog your thoughts and encourage others to vote if you"d like to see content like this at the South By Southwest Interactive Conference.

Go read my blog post called "I"m a phony" and if it helped you, help me by voting for our session at SXSW! Thanks!

Sponsor: And a big thanks to Raygun for sponsoring the feed this week! I love Raygun and use it on all my apps. Get notified of your software’s bugs as they happen! Raygun.io has error tracking solutions for every major programming language and platform - Start a free trial in under a minute!

SOURCE: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ExploringImpostorSyndromeInTechnologySXSW15.aspx


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